Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can you justify replacing the Crucifix in the altar ? What Cross should we use– Crucifix of Jesus or MarThomma( Manichean) Cross ?

Background information:
  • Some people forcefully insist using a cross called by Marthomma/Manichean cross in the altar instead of the Crucifix of Jesus. In this article we check if there is any compelling reason for their action.

  • We respect all priests and bishops and hope they also obey their superiors like Cardinals, Pope and Jesus.

  • Crucifix of Jesus is an eternal truth. But Manichean/Marthoma cross is a suspecious half truth with theological and historic errors.

  • We will uphold and teach our St.Thomas heritage; but not at the cost of the biblical truths.

Introduction :
1. Crucifix of Jesus is certainly a truth. Marthomma/Manichean Cross may or may NOT be true. In that situation isn’t it responsibility of the church to follow what is absolutely truth? Remember the parable of the 10 virgins who is punished for not using the ‘common sense’.
2. During the Holy mass, We used to bow in front of the crucifix. Now we will be asked to bow in front of a questionable icon (which could be a heresy) instead of the crucifix of Jesus.
3. We don’t mind these crosses in church and altar but it shouldn’t replace the main crucifix.

1. Catholics have Crucifix , Protestants have empty Cross, Gnostics have something else:
Catholic churches all over the world use Crucifix (Cross with Jesus) in the altar. After 16 centuries later Protestant churches started removing Jesus from crucifixes based on teachings of Calvin(not even Luther). These days you hardly see a cross in the vicinity of many protestant churches. But Catholic church always have crucifix. Jesus gave apostolic authority to St.Peter and thereby to catholic church and we are supposed to follow that. So if Syro-Malabar church is catholic, we should have crucifix. We cannot imitate protestants.

2. Empty cross do NOT represent ‘risen Christ’.

  • Empty ‘tomb’ with angel’s declaration to the followers and the sight of Jesus outside represent the resurrection fact.

  • But it is not correct to say that an ‘empty cross’ represent ‘risen Christ’ because there are many other commonsense explanations.

  • What about the crosses of the two other thieves on Calvary. Does their empty crosses represent their resurrection ?

  • No logical or judicial system accept that argument because of the incompleteness.

  • None of the Bible writers or church fathers or catholic apologetics person use empty cross to show resurrection.

  • Only the protestants who wanted some excuse use this half truth argument.

  • Why do we have to use the 'faith' element here, when we can use the picture or statue of risen Christ. We need more than faith because there is one more errors.

  • Empty cross is not really empty. A bird’s shape (presumably Holyspirit) is depicted there instead of Jesus. Jesus is ‘risen and gone’. But Holy spirit is still there. Didn't holy spirit also leave with Jesus or bit later? Both of them left the cross. At least Jesus on the cross is more logical since it is Biblical and universally accepted. It looks like 'Aalmaaraattam' . So it is natural for us to investigate the origin of this art which could point to Manichean theory.Please refer Appendix for some info on Manicheanism. More info can be found from internet.

  • If the intent is to show ‘risen Christ’, then we should show the statue or picture of 'risen Christ'.

  • Additional comments :

  • A manger without infant Jesus cannot represent 'Christmas'.

  • A donkey without Jesus on it's top cannot represent the 'Palm Sunday's entry'.

  • Assume if we want to frame and put the photo of our Grandfather ( or an old famous priest from our family) who passed away. If we have many photos, naturally, we keep the one that resembles our relative the most. If you live far or haven't seen him for a while, you may not remember the exact face and photos. But assume our other living relatives say that the photo had some error/mix-up (perhaps in the studio) and it looks like one of his enemies who caused damage to the family. Do you still keep that photo or try to get another picture which is more obvious... What if the allegations are true? How sad will be our grandpa's soul ?

3. ‘Aalmaraattam’ elaborated :
We do not go into the details of the icons used on the cross simply because each part of the cross can be explained differently by different people.
Note : Manichean heresy (details later) says Mani ( a Persian prophet) was the Holy spirit. It was he who came as the Holyspirit and completed the salvation plan. Please note that we don’t say that this cross is Manichean cross for sure. But it is a very likely possibility.

The main issue with Marthomma (Manichean) Cross is the ‘aalmaaraattam’ , the Theological issue.
Following is what the proponents of the Marthomma/Manichean cross say when faced with this dilemma. Taken from one of their website.

But please read below the biblical verses below it carefully.
“If the spirit of the ONE (Father) who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through the spirit that dwells in you”. Romans 8:11.
The Bible verses clearly says it is the Father (‘the one’) and not the holy spirit who raised Jesus. So the above explanation and quote of Romans 8:11 simply to justify the icon is misquoting the bible. Remember similar misquoting was used by protestants for ‘solafide’ (‘faith alone’).
If Jesus was also there on the cross along with Holyspirit then we could have considered that the artist was trying to represent Romans 8:11 even though it is based on a misinterpretation .
But the nameless artist’s intent was not exactly Romans 8:11 but just to use symbolism and bring many biblical events in to one object, like a modern art, then we should realize that anyone can come up with any image and such objects cannot replace Our Saviour’s Crucifix.
Please note that we are not at all showing disrespect to Holyspirit, but trying to show you the facts, so the truth will set you free. We worship in ‘spirit and in truth’.

3. Issue with so called Marthomma/Manichean Cross :

There are two glaring mistakes in this cross. As per the propoenents of this cross, Jesus is missing from this cross to show he is risen. Instead of showing the picture of risen christ, proponents use empty cross itself(protestant argument).

  1. If Jesus is removed from his cross, How come holyspirit there in place of Jesus.

  2. This is is not biblical. On the contrary, this depiction is similar to a very serious Wrong teaching (Far worse than a heresy) by false prophet called Mani. Mani taught that he was the holyspirit and it was the holyspirit who came on the cross to complete the salvation plan. There are plenty of references for mani's Claims.

  3. We are not 100% sure if this cross is personally created by Mani. But looking at the obvious theological mistake and the circumstances showing a previous foul play, don't we need to take caution? When there is plenty of stright icons, why go after this. Even if we accept it (because it was with us for many centuries), is it great enough to replace Jesus' Crucifix.

4. What does Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church say about Crucifix ?

What is wrong with the crucifix so as to remove it from the altar.

Catechism of catholic Church :
•This is the official teachings of catholic church. Remember Jesus telling Peter “What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 16:17-19) •Refer pages 562, 571, 598, 616-618, 1668, 2015, 2029, 2427 of this official teachings •This explains clearly the need of crucifix, not an empty cross.

Bible : Following page is an explanation from the Bible, "New Catholic Answer Bible"


5. Marthomma ( Manichaen ) cross was not designed by St.Thomas .

  • It is designed and modified over the years and place by the Gnostic called Mani and the Nestorians.

  • The writings on the cross found in India is in Pahlavi language (Persian), which is neither the language spoken by St. Thomas nor the local language (Tamil). The decoding of the language on the cross speaks about Mani’s philosophy and origin, the dove bringing pure light into this world.

  • Similar crosses have been found in middle east, China, SriLanka other parts of India with variations (some with lotus only etc.) . St.Thomas couldnot have designed each of them in those countries. Historians recognize them as persian crosses and often classified as Nestorian or Gnostic(Manichean).

  • If you read the book called the ‘acts of St.Thomas’, we realize that it is not written by St.Thomas but by the group of ‘Gnostics’ (in effect the enemies of Christianity). But the cunning Gnostics gave St.Thomas’ name for getting publicity.
    Similarly ‘Marthomma cross’ was also designed by Gnostics/Manichean and gave St.Thomas’ name for a wrong teaching (Details later).

  • Jesus gave the authority to teach to St.peter which was transferred through the popes. Will St.Thomas teach something different than what St.Peter taught and is being taught in universal catholic church. Won't St.Thomas prefer a unified church of Jesus, "One shepherd and one flock". Aren't we bit over reacting in the pretext of our own eastern church identity etc... like what the sons of Zabadee wanted.... especially when Christianity is being persecuted...

6.Whom do you see on the Cross? What will your child answer?

Catholics who see the crucifix in the church will say it is Jesus. Muslims say it was not Jesus but someone else. Whom does our Syro-Malbar children see on the cross?

Can Holyspirit replace Jesus on the cross. What is the basis of it. Did the Bible or any of church fathers taught it. Even the prayers like 'Our father' and 'Hail Mary' is taken from Bible.

Can a questionable artist's icon replace a plain truth of crucifixion? Is it the artistic skill or the name Marthomma that gave it credibility over the crucifix. Or the fact that we were always doing this (right or wrong).

We go to church obeying Jesus' words, "Do this in memory of me", not in memory of Nestorians and Mani.

7. Should the altar look like ‘Calvary’ or a ‘Casino’ ?

Crucifix resembles Calvary. Holy mass is ‘Divya Bali’ or ‘Holy Qurbana’ and we remember the sacrifice of Jesus in Calvary. A crucifix definitely resembles Calvary. But Marthomma(Manichean) cross hardly resembles a cross. It is suspicious. Some people feel Manichean cross resembles the sign of ‘Club’ in the playing card. During the holy mass of many churches, if you look at the altar, you will see it is full of such icons (on the dress of the priest, bible, both altars, on top of roopakkoodu of saints etc).

In some churches the crucifix of Christ is literally out of the altar, and placed in the bottom corner, while big icons are in the center and displayed with special effects. Isn’t it a disgrace to the crucifix and the salvation plan of God that was fulfilled in Calvary.

Our request to hardcore Marthomma/Manichean cross supportes is this. We see so many "Marthomma" crosses there. We (at least the authors of this article) don't mind following other 'Chaldean/Chaldaya propagandas' like the veil , the direction of priest etc.... but atleast please give us back our crucifix. We don't have any other place to look and pray.

8. We see the following fulfilled prophecies looking at the ‘crucifix’ of Jesus.

  • They pierced my hands and my feet. Psalm 22:16.

  • "I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it has melted within me.

  • They will look at him, whom they pierced (Zacharia).

  • Jesus was crucified in Golgotha …one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear( John 19:18,34).

  • They counted my bones (psalms)

  • His blood was poured out for others (Matthew 26:28).

  • He was put to death for the sins of our people’’-Isaiah 53:8

  • The wound of Jesus that St.Thomas touched, "My Lord, My God"

  • We become one with the universal catholic church.

Manichean Teachings :(taken randomly from few internet sites):

[ Please note we don't exclusively mention Marthomma Cross IS Manichean(or a Nestorian) cross, but a strong possibility based on documents and circumstantial evidences) so that you may be cautioned. May God guide you to the truth.

Mani, Circa A.D. 200, considered himself to be the manifestation of all the prophets that went before him, Jesus, Zoroaster, Bhudda and the rest. He believed, as did Jesus apparantly, that he was the 'real' thing
In fact, Manicheism (the religion he founded) was for about 1,000 years quite popular all over the known world, rivaling Christianity in the West and Islam and Budhism in the East. St. Augustine, before converting to Christianity, was raised Manichean. But later he became a Chrystian and fought this heresy throughout his life.

We know that Jesus promised to send the Paraclete, the Holyspirit on the disciples. But couple of people after Jesus had claimed to be the promised ‘Paraclete’, (comforter). In 3rd century Persian person called ‘Mani (Manes in Latin)’ claimed to be the paraclete. Later in 6th century Mohammad (Islam) copied this claim.
The Manichaeans made every effort to include all known religious traditions in their faith. As a result, they preserved many apocryphal Christian works, such as the Acts of Thomas, that otherwise would have been lost. Mani was eager to describe himself as a "disciple of Jesus Christ", but the early Christian church rejected him as a heretic. Mani declared himself, and was also referred to, as the Paraclete: a Biblical title, meaning "comforter" or "helper", which the Christian tradition understood as referring to God in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Mani taught Jesus did not undergo punishment on the cross (see ref:1) and hence did NOT complete the Salvation act. Mani taught he is the HolySpirit, the comforter/Paraclete(ref:2). And so it was Mani (Holy Spirit) who came on the cross and completed the Salvation act.
That is why we don’t see Jesus on his cross but the Mani in the shape of the ‘holyspirit’. Manichaenism was well prevelant in Asia from Persia to China, including India.
His strategy was to get the worship copying local customs. He mixed up Persian, Christian, Buddhists, Chinese and Indian symbols to get divinity for him.

Ref 1. [ Jesus did not undergo punishment on the cross ] è Alexander; Of the Manicheans 24 ECF 6.239
Ref 2 [Mani himself was the comforter (Paraclete) ] è Eusebius; E.H. 7: 31 & Archelaus; Acts of Manes 13


Summary :

  • We should keep our heritage, culture, identity etc. But not at the cost of the fundamental Christian teachings.

  • Marthomma(Manichean) Cross is just an icon (that too controversial) that may be placed on the stamp/seal or books etc. ( if you really want). But not at the center of the altar as an object of worship.

  • Holy Trinity deserve the worship. 'Manichaen/Marthomma cross' should never replace our Lord's crucifix which shows the eternal sacrifice reuniting God and human.

Please pray:

God..please forgive if there is mistake in this article. You know we prepared this document after lot of prayers. We trust in you. Please guide those who read it. Please correct us if we are making the mistake. Please shower your Holyspirit on the St.Thomas Chrystians of India and their generations. Please protect us from Heresys............

In the name of the Father, Son and the Holyspirit. Amen. "Seat of Wisdom" please pray for us.


We are truth seekers ('sathyaanweshakar'). We don't claim to know everything and we have no political agenda and our goal is NOT to win any argument. But looking at the fundamentals of Christianity, we feel this Manichean cross was not apostolic.
[Please note that we don't exclusively say that 'Marthomma Cross' is 'Manichean Cross'. But quote the possibility as shown by many documents and circumstantial evidences, so that you may be cautioned. may God show you the truth].
Please see a link strongly supporting the Marthommakkurisu. . We give the link here to show that our agenda is not to do any manipulation. if there is any good link for any arguments, you may post it here.
Our God is the spirit of unity especially in the church. We sincerely hope and pray this article will make the people to think/understand and correct and won't lead to any division. If you have something strong to contribute, please join the discussion with prayers and love for the church.